Friday, July 22, 2011


Your News will highlight cultural events in the African American community of Akron, OH year 'round.

We have no staff, other than you and I. That's why we decided to call the paper Habari Yako, Kiswahilli for Your News. This is a place to share your stories and let the world know what Black people in Akron have been up to for the past 150 years plus.

Got pics, videos or printed matter in a digital format. Post it up, send it in, become a part of the team. This is a shout out to all you would be journalists, poets and authors.

I teach in the Akron Public Schools every day, during the school year. I know we've got some bright, intelligent and very talented people out there.

Post up some pics on the FB page for the Akron African American Festival and get a FREE PRESS PASS, which will get you into any venue, any time as one of our representatives. All you have to do is continue to send in stories & pictures from events that we can share with the world.

Give me a shout out. There's only one way to eat an elephant, one bite at a time.

Peace with Justice,

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